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Boring_Ad_3065 t1_j848s2e wrote

I mean…

Chimps get money, invent prostitution

Engaged in a 4 year tribal war

Like much of evolution, it repurposes and adds on, it doesn’t often reinvent. There’s debate around Dunbar’s number, but some agreement that a lot of us can manage about 50 active personal connections (albeit with high variability). The fact that we added in religion, culture, nations are more meta-evolutions of society (largely enabled by language and written language), not necessarily saying we’ve adapted our brains significantly from 10,000 years ago, but that social structures enabling mass cooperation were generally advantageous for production and competition.


BizWax t1_j84qv9l wrote

You're conflating cultural evolution and biological evolution. They're qualitatively very different, and operate on entirely different time scales. 10k years ago? The first modern humans appeared 300k years ago, and we were talking about ancestors before that. Sure, you could posit that our biological evolution hasn't adapted to recent cultural evolution, but it has no bearing whatsoever on what I said.

As for your comparison to chimps: just because similarities exist, does not mean they are the same. All the similarities between chimpanzee and human sociality in the world don't erase facts like that a same/similar expression like smiling has very different meanings among chimps compared to humans. Human and chimp sociality are definitely not the same.