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Terrorfrodo t1_j9f655v wrote

The vast majority of people who might potentially get enjoyment out of the practice will never know it because they will never try. Evolutionary speaking, 99.9% of people over 99.9% of human history have been too busy surviving to experiment with how they can *almost* kill themselves for fun.

All the cases I heard from where people died after doing this, the person was very bored, without purpose in life, and mentally ill.


garry4321 t1_j9kknzh wrote

Youre REALLY kink shaming BDSM people arent you?


xtrapas t1_j9xbgu1 wrote

that kung-fu fighter dude (tzhe old one) carradine

wikipedia says it in different words (hmm, it changed again) but i remember

"carradine dead. in the cupboard, wank-related accident"