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VT_Squire t1_j9km574 wrote

Fair, but not really. I used a wrong word. While I agree that your response is correct in pretty much every respect, it highlights the consequence of rudimentary practices in a de-centralized field.

To the first point, "the term hybrid is used for this very reason, as juxtaposed with species." Obviously, I wasn't clear enough in my meaning that you felt the need to point that out, so I'll just own that mistake.

As to the rest, I'm sure you know "species" denotes "a population capable of producing viable offspring." So why would we ever use a different word? Outdated understandings lead to outdated naming conventions which persist after the science has surpassed the action. A hybrid, by definition in the context of biological evolution, is "offspring produced by more than one species." That's an explicit indication regarding the presence of distinct populations or a statement about the capacity to produce viable offspring. One of these criteria is affected, otherwise they should just be called the same species, sub-species or maybe even same ring-species from the very get-go.

Like taxonomy as you mentioned above, asserting primacy to the factor of a population is more on the arbitrary side of things. It's a blurred line in many respects. Viability, however, is not.

Most people tend to think of species as a label. A is this, B is that, etc etc. Consequently, they gloss right over the correlating feature that A is NOT B, B is NOT C, and so on. The underlying question is "Are A and B the same species, or of different species?" Well, it's science, and we can test that, or at least keep our eyes peeled for a test performed by nature. Are they able to diffuse alleles into a receiving population without impediment? That's a closed-ended question. While the answers to that tend to be found somewhere along a spectrum, it's a tighter constraint on subjective opinion, and is consequently the preferred approach. Veering the other way by calling mixed-plant offspring "hybrids" is, for lack of a better description, kind of missing the point in so many ways. That's a practice rooted in history, but not so much in the core of science, which is testability/falsifiability. Since the discovery of DNA and the commercial availability of DNA tests or other advances in tech/science, there's hardly an impetus to use that more-arbitrary decision making process as a place-holding crutch until such a time as a verifiable answer becomes possible anymore. We can police that up, we just typically don't.

We tend not to go back and re-label things accordingly chiefly because it conflicts with naming rights, plus the fact that it's a rather large undertaking that would require updating an entire field. That's pretty much it.

With respect to the viability of f2 generation hybrids, eh... re-classifying the parent generations in the manner described above erases the issue you present, which is essentially what a debate surrounding the relationship between humans and Neanderthal is all about. That all boils down to motivation or a sense of importance to "get it right" rather than a question of if hybrids are viable or not, or if our definitions need to change at all.

So yeah, "hybrid" absolutely does imply that the offspring are not viable. We just incur some leftovers because the history of taxonomy is loaded with examples that represented the best effort possible at the time, which in turn leads to a lot of people still doing it now.


Unicorn_Colombo t1_j9l1lg6 wrote

> As to the rest, I'm sure you know "species" denotes "a population capable of producing viable offspring." So why would we ever use a different word?

A different word for what?

The term "species" predates the theory of evolution. If you study taxonomy and phylogenetics, you will quickly find out how arbitrary it is and that there are many exceptions.

> A hybrid, by definition in the context of biological evolution, is "offspring produced by more than one species." That's an explicit indication regarding the presence of distinct populations or a statement about the capacity to produce viable offspring.

You were talking about the general definition of the term, not about its application in a particular context. And again, not all inter-species hybrids are infertile. See for example bovine hybrids:

In particular, beefalo is a fertile hybrid breed resulting from crossing species of different genus.

Similarly, many commercial plants are result of hybridization. The [brassica] genus is famous for this, see

> Like taxonomy as you mentioned above, asserting primacy to the factor of a population is more on the arbitrary side of things. It's a blurred line in many respects. Viability, however, is not.

Turns out it is. This is why we are usually talking in terms of populations.

> Most people tend to think of species as a label.

And they would be right. It a rather arbitrary label that predates the theory of evolution. What is species and what is sub-species is not well defined and depends whether one is "splitter" or "clumper".

> mixed-plant offspring "hybrids" is, for lack of a better description, kind of missing the point in so many ways.

You haven't demonstrated what point.

The rest is pseudoscientific nonsense anyway. You clearly lack the understanding of terms like "gene flow" and are instead trying to describe "diffusion of alleles between populations" in a paragraph of blabbering.

> So yeah, "hybrid" absolutely does imply that the offspring are not viable

I have clearly demonstrated that they are viable.


VT_Squire t1_j9lrqal wrote

>I have clearly demonstrated that they are viable.

While simultaneously glossing right over the fact that all of it is attributable to a sense of vestigial practices.