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ElleRisalo t1_jaj7rx5 wrote

Is Gravity just a by product of Electromagnetic Force and its relationship between objects, or is it probably its own thing...we know magnetically polarizing things can "beat*" Gravity. (Floating art using magnets for example.)

  • I know it's not beating Gravity it is using force to resist effect of gravity, but to make objects float and not just fly off would require both forces to be comparable would it not?

Everything emits electromagnetic waves, everything is impacted by Gravity. Both Gravity and Electromagnetism decay at 1/R^2.

I do know that GEM (Gravitoelectromagnetics) is a fairly new (relatively speaking) concept of physics? (Maybe mid 1800s?).

Googling just gives me an answer of "they aren't the same thing because we have no evidence they could be (is this true or just a lazy take because we just dont know?)

Curious me has to ask. If both forces protrude "forever" and become their strongest at a certain "break point" and both decay at the same 1/R^2 Rate, and both impact all objects are they effectively the same thing?

The magnetism (haha) between the two seems pretty dang strong.

Is it?


mfb- t1_jal85o3 wrote

> Is Gravity just a by product of Electromagnetic Force

No, they are completely different things.

If you make something float then you exert an electromagnetic force upwards that's as strong as the gravitational force downwards, leading to a net force of zero. The same applies for e.g. things resting on a table, it's just easier to get it balanced there.

> Everything emits electromagnetic waves

Uncharged particles do not, and very cold objects have negligible emissions.

> everything is impacted by Gravity

... even uncharged particles, and it's essentially independent of temperature.

> If both forces protrude "forever" and become their strongest at a certain "break point"

There is no "break point".

An 1/R^2 law is the natural relation in 3 dimensions as the surface area of a sphere scales with R^(2). Deviations from that relation are special (they need massive exchange particles, for the weak interaction, or strong self-interaction, for gluons).