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TitleFlimsy t1_je68ho5 wrote

Would a magnet that size have any impact on the iron in our blood?


Weed_O_Whirler t1_je6a94c wrote

Oh yeah, a magnet like that would kill you in so many ways, so fast. Of course it would rip the iron out of your blood, but that's child's play in the ways you'd died. Your neurons would become polarized and unable to fire. The cells in your body would all magnetize, ceasing any and all functions. You're toast.


mfb- t1_je7r7om wrote

A neodymium magnet won't produce a field stronger than 1-2 T. We have MRI machines that are significantly stronger than that, and they don't kill their patients.


Weed_O_Whirler t1_je8e4g9 wrote

So I'm honestly curious - is 1-2 T the theoretical max for how strong a neodymium magnet can be? Or is there an easy, back of the envelope, way of calculating it? I tried to scale up a small one to the mass of the Earth, but couldn't find any easy way of doing it, but my estimate made it quite large.


mfb- t1_je8wf3w wrote

Permanent magnets have a saturation magnetization. Trying to apply stronger fields doesn't magnetize the material more, and if you drop the external field then the field of the magnet decreases, too. In practice you get around 1.3 T for neodymium magnets, theoretical values might be slightly higher. This publication calculates 1.32 to 1.38 T.

The size of the magnet doesn't matter, you just scale up everything linearly in space and the field gets larger but not stronger.