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radioactive_dude t1_jc1usah wrote

This is probably a decent representation of the ratio of the boron part of the rod to the graphite "tips".


Hiddencamper t1_jc2nqpi wrote

That’s a great picture.

And just so people are thinking about this the right way. From a safety perspective We don’t care about the graphite as long as it is in the fuel region or below the fuel region, because during a scram they go down which means graphite will be exiting the fuel region and control rods will be coming in.

It’s only a problem when those followers are all the way up and partially out. They will raise power below them as they drive down, right into the power peak.


jobblejosh t1_jc4z2bf wrote

Also gives a great look into why it's named RBMK. Reaktor Bolshoy Moshknosti Kanalnyy; High-power Channel-type reactor; since the cooling water is sent through individual channels as opposed to being in one large pressure vessel.


CleverNameTheSecond t1_jc2oogs wrote

To me this looks like the equivalent of having a car with just one pedal that handles both the acceleration and the braking depending on how hard you push down on it.


The_Real_RM t1_jc5vpcw wrote

You just described one-pedal driving in electric cars. We in fact have exactly this