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TeeDeeArt t1_jcep7u6 wrote

> What things with 4 kids cost more than twice as much as 2 kids?

Cars are a big one. It's not a linear increase, it's a massive jump you're forced to make at a certain point. Particularly for booster seats.

I agree with you otherwise, but there are a few things which do jump up.

Your regular four or 5 seater was already going to be bought, likely even with 0 kids, so the cost is effectively 0 for the first two-three kids (depending on age separation and need for boosters). Then it suddenly jumps up in cost.


gutzville t1_jcgk5sk wrote

You can get a new 7 seat mini van for around 35. You can get a new 15 passenger van for around 50. By the time you have that 15th kid it's like you're making money


cronedog t1_jcfqm41 wrote

>Cars are a big one.

Yeah, I was thinking about that after I posted. Some go to a minivan, but when you deal with 6+ kids there is a point where you need a second vehicle, but some smaller families already have a 2nd vehicle, one for each working partner. I accept it's a complicated exception but wasn't sure how to quantify it.

Sometimes there will be cases where an extra kid doesn't cost more, until you hit capacity and have to spend twice as much (or thrice if you have an unusually big family).


Additional-Fee1780 t1_jcpmgkl wrote

US already has more than one car per licensed driver. 2 per couple is already the norm.