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Dr_Rapier t1_jcuqvp7 wrote

Vogelkopf Bower Birds decorate the area around their nest/loveshack to prove their suitability as mates. The b interesting thing is that they share a human aesthetic. That is to say the nests that a test group of humans said were the most attractive were also the most 'successful'. Showing that the female bowerbirds agreed with the humans on what constituted a pretty nest.


Krail t1_jcvfzsj wrote

Now that's interesting.

Have they identified any specific aesthetic traits that are involved in what makes a nest more attractive? I figure it must be a difficult thing to test, but I'm now very curious about convergent evolution of aesthetic tastes.


Dr_Rapier t1_jcvpneg wrote

It was a wildlife doc I saw, I don't remember any specifics of the aesthetic beyond colour choices, composition and layout. Though this particular species tended to go for concentric rings.