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park28 t1_itv3kzb wrote

Doctor here. Cultures are taken from blood, urine, CSF, sputum or wherever else. Whatever grows will have something called a MIC which is the minimal inhibitory concentration, which is the minimum amount of the certain antibiotic that is susceptible to the bacteria, etc. hope this helps!


champdecap OP t1_itv42zj wrote

Thanks for the answer, so if I understand it correctly naturally occurring antibodies in his body will be extracted and used to create an injectable antibiotic?


park28 t1_itv705j wrote

No problem! Essentially yes. But they don’t need to be extracted. The naturally occurring antibodies help lead us towards what antibiotic would be resistant and what antibiotic would be susceptible to the organism or bacteria


microbiologist_36 t1_itwbtp0 wrote

What? Can you explain this to me? How does our antibodies help determine what antibiotics are useful?


park28 t1_itxkkch wrote

By creating immunotherapy based on our antibodies, we can target MDR bacteria