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frikinevil t1_itfvxfl wrote

This is very interesting. Does anyone know if vit b deficiency due to excessive alcohol can cause non epilectic seizures? Also, once the damage of deficiency occurs is it for life or can the body recover if alcohol use stops?


j0m1n1n t1_itgoese wrote

Epileptic seizures can be a sign of Wernicke's encephalopathy (WE), which is the acute stage of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome.

The syndrome is more easily treated in the WE phase. At that point, it need not progress to Korsakoff syndrome. With Korsakoff, there may be improvement in signs and symptoms with treatment, but there is likely to be brain damage.


StrongArgument t1_itgwxwf wrote

Severe alcohol withdrawal causes seizures in the same population. WK syndrome is lifelong, but some of the effects of alcoholism can be reversed.


pennypumpkinpie t1_itgjl73 wrote

I don’t think deficiency can cause seizures but alcohol withdrawal can.


j0m1n1n t1_itgokf1 wrote

Seizure is a potential symptom of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome caused by thiamine deficiency. This is distinct from seizures caused by alcohol withdrawal.