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UsedChocolate1990 t1_ishbzxo wrote

Hi I understand that this thread is speaking about the MTHFR testing and it's past association with thrombosis but I just have to say I completely disagree with the medical advice you are giving people on this thread that are asking you about supplementation for MTHFR mutations. Getting on a specially methylated formula (with intrinsic factor) has been such a huge relief to my system. Some that show this mutation do not make the enzyme "intrinsic factor" in their gut which allows for proper metabolization of B vitamins . People with this mutation are ALLERGIC to synthetic folate (aka folic acid) which is what you are referring people to take. I am so unnerved by the medical establishment sometimes. Stick to what you know and stop giving people advise on something you clearly have an outside opinion on! My methylation panel was FREE through my genetic raw data and shows many markers for this autoimmune disease. Furthermore, because of the MTHFR genes association with narrowed veins it's totally possible to be a precursor to thrombosis! Why not test for it?