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kreeptology t1_is7ov69 wrote

When you say the brain keeps track are you thinking about the hormones leptin and ghrelin?


thebakingtist OP t1_is8geec wrote

Oooh never heard of those. What are some of those hormones' roles?


kreeptology t1_is8pih5 wrote

Leptin and Ghrelin are hormones that have a role in energy balance. Leptin is made by adipose cells in the small intestine and decreases appetite by inhibiting hunger so it is impactful in inducing weight loss. Ghrelin is produced by cells in the stomach and increases the drive the eat and so is also sometimes referred to as “hunger hormone”


Significant_Sign t1_is8nngp wrote

Ghrelin sounds right. The only thing I know about leptin is its possible role in oral hygiene problems.


kreeptology t1_is8q76a wrote

Wow never heard about the role of leptin in oral hygiene but it makes sense considering its hormone of the gastrointestinal tract