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the__truthguy t1_ishsbbi wrote

This old statistic is always thrown out there to show how "similar" we are, but it's actually a pretty useless statistic. We share 96% of our DNA with chimps. 99.84% with Neanderthals. And 2-4% of non-Africans get their DNA from Neanderthals.

A single SNP or 1/3,054,815,723 of the genome can be the difference between a normal person and a cold-blooded killer.


dion_o t1_isillbz wrote

We share more than 99% of out DNA with chimps. And slightly less than 99% of our DNA with lettuce.


jawshoeaw t1_iskblhi wrote

We have almost no homology with lettuce. 10-15 % of coding DNA maybe . If you cherry pick (lettuce pick ?) certain genes common to all life on earth , then unsurprisingly we have 99% similar genes. But what about the lettuce genes for the spine? Or blood cells? There’s no way to compare because plants lack these genes completely.

And comparing to chimps even is misleading. Which genes are you comparing? Do they have to be 100% the same to count as 100% homologous? Any two cells in my body might be off .1% which changes count? One paper I read said we are only 18% homologous to chimps


TheSwarm2006 t1_isikm8w wrote

To add on to this, most of the dna tells the body how to make a cells, organs, etc. Very few of this is a defining feature between humans and other animals. Also dna can repeat a LOT (look up salamander dna repitition)


994phij t1_isj39ih wrote

Your paper talks about an increased risk for shooting and stabbing behaviors

That's not the difference between a normal person and a cold blooded killer, it's a single factor amongst many.


the__truthguy t1_isj509v wrote

The MAOA 2-repeat allele is a very interesting mutation. I recommend reading all the papers published about it and educate yourself.