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pickleer t1_itoyprv wrote

A recent theory proposes that lots of Humans and dingos came from India 4,000 years ago and intermingled with the folks already there. This from a post around here from a day or few ago. Kinda freaky but not too much, considering Polynesians likely colonized S. America before Siberians made it down through N. America and that the Chinese were on the US West coast about 2,000 years ago (look for the story about the spherical stone anchors also from a few days ago). We can pretty much assume vikings made it over here before Columbus and it now looks like the Clovis People weren't the first ones here, either. N & S American history is a changin'!

Edited for clarity.


ZekeDarwin t1_itsmsri wrote

We’ve known Clovis people weren’t first for decades.

Genetic evidence still suggests the first people in the Americas came from Siberia.

Genetic evidence contradicts the claim that South America was first populated by Polynesians.