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Cuttingedge07 t1_iurikrq wrote

Cachexia - a result of abnormal glucose metabolism where in the cancer cells have increased uptake of glucose, thereby starving the host of nutrition, excess catabolism (due to increased cytokines released by the tumour cells).


Ok-Independence-6686 t1_iuv3x3q wrote

how come a small amount of this isn't used to treat obesity?


Cuttingedge07 t1_iuv5u40 wrote

Good question.

Well, cachexia is a wasting disorder, both muscles and fat are wasted,it increases insulin resistance, can also bring about increased platelet activation (thereby risking thromboembolitic events in future -> stroke-> death ) , can cause arrhythmias (leading to death). In short, Cachexia contributes to death. Obese individuals already have a higher risk for stroke, cachexia does only harm and no good.