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Ambitious_Power_1764 t1_iy365ms wrote

It doesn't matter how it works. It will never be allowed by our corporate / government overlords to defeat the three most critical issues facing humanity.

  1. Aging
  2. Disease
  3. Death

If our corporate / government overlords actually cared about progressing humanity. Every single penny and resource of the entire governments of the entire world would be poured into solving, curing, and eliminating the big three. Aging, disease, and death.

There is not a single human being on this planet that is not threatened and will not ultimately face these three existential issues that have been ongoing and uncured since the dawn of human existence.

CRISPR-CAS9 can solve those three problems. However, our world corporations / governments are too short sighted to see the benefits of allowing such progression. They will silence, discredit, and eliminate any progression towards curing the big three.
