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Pythagorantheta t1_ivwlz0w wrote

the lack of the second x chromosome means that many protein and endocrine pathways do not develop. The shield chest is an example, one x chromosome will not give any female breast tissue. You could look at Kleinfelter males as an example of too much x chromosome products are made. As to your specific examples, I've been out of human genetics for a while. sorry if this is not what you are exactly looking for


Emily_Ge t1_ivydfll wrote

More specifically: while one X chromosome usually gets deactivated in XX women, this inactivation ist complete. An XX Woman has one whole X chromosome and about 15% of the remaining X chromosome active for protein production.

X0 individuals will lack this genetic information and thus some proteins are produced in less quantity than usual. Which leads to incomplete sex development.

Thus since X0 individuals don‘t have the regular 15% extra X, they cannot properly develop gonads in the first place. Despite the later pathways being set to ‚female‘


Uncynical_Diogenes t1_ivzuqra wrote

Yeah, humans aren’t plants. We can’t just ignore dose-dependence when it comes to our expression.


ToonlinkFTW890 t1_ivxqxcu wrote

Would giving hormones help? Or you wouldn't have the molecular pathways for it to work?