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BrunoGerace t1_ixm1u74 wrote

A virus infection is an internal metabolic process related in their manner of processing to all your other processes.

The difference is that viruses introduce their own RNA/DNA "mechanics" into your human one.

So yes, all nutrients influence the process. This includes their role in your general health and immunity prior to infection.


_lonegamedev OP t1_ixm2wu8 wrote

Can we tell that particular diet helps/hurts the most? Or is it just the mater of "balanced" diet? And if so - can we tell what kind of "unbalaced" diet would affect the patient condition the most?

Or this is just too general, to say?


BrunoGerace t1_ixm4nvs wrote

We are resilient creatures.

What we DO know is that extremes are diets deficient in needed nutrients or ones that contribute to over-weight.

Check out the staggering statistics regarding the probability of COVID death in the obese/Type-2 diabetes population.


Megodont t1_ixo96as wrote

Short answer: No...

Longer version: as long as any diet allows your cells to survive, a virus does too, because he piggybacks on your cells methabolism. Everything a cell needs so survive and replicate, a virus will use for his own replication. Best case scenario, nothing will happen. You get sick, your immune system destroys the virus an that's it. Worst case, the diet weakens your body and this will lengthen the sickness.


_lonegamedev OP t1_ixpvs78 wrote

Thanks a lot. Just for the context, I'm asking because I develop a game mod that does very limited simulation of antibodies production. I realized game keeps track of diet, and was wondering if this is something that can be taken into account.