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SkippyBojangle t1_iw9epd9 wrote

This is not as clear as some have made it out to be here if you broaden the definition of blood thinner. For warfarin/etc, likely no. But...

This is a really good question and interesting to think about. Blood thinner is a very broad generalization. To increase diffusion digestion, just "thinner" blood is unlikely to make a difference, unless micro thrombotic events are happening that interfere, which might actually be the case in severe diabetics, smokers + other conditions, or those with metastatic cancer. But I don't think there'd be any clinical relevancy here, nor has it been looked into; these parties are not suffering from relevant malabsorption otherwise, and if they were, you'd look into less dangerous avenues to increase it.

Interesting though, some "blood thinners" like pentoxyfylline actually increase the lumen of vessels, the malleability of blood cells and vessels, and even increase growth of new vessels. I haven't gone down a pub med deep dive, but I wouldn't be surprised to learn that pentoxyfylline might aid here and even hold some therapeutic value. If it hasn't been looked into, someone should!