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reddit455 t1_iw99xrl wrote

just so you know.. there are plenty of medical reasons that make you INeligibile.. sometimes it depends on the transplant.. (kidneys can be donated - heart lungs not so much). - living donors.


lifelong smoker with messed up lungs not eligible.

need a liver because you drank too much? doubt it.


full blown AIDS patient might be able to get a kidney from matched donor..

possibly not for anything else.. (shorter expected life)


HIV can be managed for decades


Organ Transplants for HIV/AIDS Patients

Until recently, people who had HIV were not considered good candidates for organ transplantations. Many patients were denied transplants under the assumption that they had shorter life expectancies and less favorable survival rates than other patients in need of transplants. However, now that patients are living longer lives, many groups are re-considering whether HIV patients should be transplant candidates.

>Thus we dont need additional weakening.

it's not a yes/no.


Since HAART prolongs the lives of HIV patients, it is possible for chronic conditions to progress to organ failure. For instance, HIV patients may experience end-stage liver disease as a complication of chronic hepatitis C virus. Glomeruli diseases are also common among HIV patients, and they may lead to kidney failure. In advanced stages of liver or kidney damage, organ transplants may be the patient's only chance of survival.


CardiOMG t1_iwacsfg wrote

Alcohol is probably the most common reason patients get a liver transplant. They just have to quit drinking to be eligible