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dittybopper_05H t1_iwc0pzx wrote

It's a practiced skill like any other. And like any skill, some people are inherently better at it with a given amount of practice. Also, it can degrade without practice.

I absolutely eschew GPS because it kills your sense of direction. You don't need to know what direction you're going if "Bitching Betty*" is telling you where to go all the time.

Some of it is understanding how a town is laid out. For example, in Manhattan, the roads that run northeast/southwest are Avenues, and they're numbered from 1 to 12 from east to west. The ones that run northwest/southeast are streets, and they're numbered sequentially going north. In general, that is.

Some of it is knowing that if the Sun is on your right in the afternoon, you're headed generally south, that sort of thing.

One time as a teenager I was in a folding kayak taking a trip down a river and when I got to the lake at the end, I couldn't go farther because the waves on the lake were too high (didn't have a spray skirt). But I knew the highway was to the west and that I could find a phone there (this is the 1980's). So I pulled the kayak out of the water and I walked to the west. Didn't walk in circles because I knew how to avoid that in the woods.

I probably should have had a compass, and generally carry one now if I know I'm going into the woods, but you can get buy without one if you are practiced enough, and I used to do a lot of walking in the woods back then.



*Name I came up with for the GPS that was in a relative's car during a long trip. When I was driving (long enough that we took shifts driving) back towards home it tried to route me a way that I knew from experience wasn't the optimum way. I eventually turned it off.


12monthspregnant t1_iwcih5r wrote

Ok. I need to know. How to you not walk in circles in the woods?


dittybopper_05H t1_iwcp4rr wrote

Pick a tree or rock that's ahead of you in the distance. Walk to it. Do it again once you get there. Repeat ad nauseum.

If you have to detour around something, do it at right angles. So say there is a pond in the way (or whatever. Get close to the edge, turn 90 degrees left or right and walk (while counting steps). When you can clear it, turn 90 degrees right (if you made a left initially). Then walk until you've cleared it, turn 90 degrees right, walk the same number of steps you did before, and when you hit that, turn 90 degrees right.

Also, keep an eye out for other clues. In *SOME* instances, moss will only grow on the north side of trees and rocks. So if moss is only on one side, that's generally north-ish. If it's all around the tree or rock, it's useless as an indicator.

Being able to see the sun and knowing the time is perhaps the best indication, absent a compass. If you have to go west, you want the sun at your back in the morning, to your left (north of the tropics) around local noon, and in front of you in the afternoon.


Krail t1_iwet7xc wrote

A few other random orienteering tips I've learned. Plants will often lean one way or another in response to sunlight and prevailing winds. You can sometimes look for which way trees lean, or which side of a tree has thicker foliage cover to orient yourself.

If you're lost and trying to find your way, one of the best things you can do is find a clear, elevated spot that lets you survey the landscape (be very careful about climbing. The last thing you want when lost in the woods is a broken leg). Look for easily recognized landmarks, and look for signs of water. Knowing which species of tree grow by river banks can help, but you can often spot water by looking for especially lush spots in low lying areas. If you do find a water source, it's a fair bet that following it downstream will lead to civilization eventually.


dittybopper_05H t1_iwg972c wrote

I was going to mention the river thing, but sometimes that's not necessarily the best thing. If your destination is to the west but the river runs north/south, that's not really much of a help.

If your destination is "get me the *F* out of here, I don't care where", then yeah.