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VivendusMoriendumEst OP t1_ixknugu wrote

Ok this is the sort of comment I love reddit for, especially askscience!

It's very much in line with what I've gathered myself but your insights on the actual neuroanatomy is so cool!

Dunno what your field is, but I have aphantasia (inability to form, imagine, recall, etc) visuals , in fact for me I have no mental simulation or recall of any sense but audio, which I have an apparently extraordinary faculty with, to recall or improvise very detailed and complex multi instrument music for example.

Very interested in what's atypical about my brain, this is one part. Finally seeing some research into aphantasia (most recently read an article classifying it as a memory disorder, though it seems I'm extremely rare in having such abilities with audio while no other sense in my mind.

Any ideas?