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Chicken_Water t1_j274zuf wrote

There's no bet about it. It does damage to our vascular system. From there they have seen damage to nearly every organ. Evidence of it damaging our immune systems as well. The fact that the world took its foot off the research funding gas pedal will needlessly cost the world countless lives and trillions of dollars in health care costs. We're just so damn flawed as a species to be so short-sighted.


Greedoscolddeadhands t1_j276djd wrote

Our brains weren’t designed to comprehend the scope of social media, global travel, and biased media sources, let alone all of them acting in concert with conflicting interests to the survival of the species. To make it worse, some of the best minds on the planet have been corrupted for decades, their work product going to disinformation instead of science that might have slowed or stopped the climate catastrophe that is humanity’s growth.