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jfgallay OP t1_j22rlge wrote

Thank you. My main question was the timeline. The articles I have read seem to read like "Once a star produces iron, it is dying." And that sounds like non-scientific writing to me. Taking our sun as an example, if it's apex is Carbon, when does the fusion to carbon happen? For instance, if our star is mostly H with some He, is there already Carbon?

And I do understand that there are various chains, and it's possible to convert neutrons into protons. And also various isotopes of Helium that are stable.... more or less? I suppose it is not a linear graph as far as conversion of H to higher elements, because you would have less of protons and neutrons as the star ages.

Also, your second paragraph intrigues me. I previously thought (and this is NOT my career) that higher elements (such as gold) were created by fusion at higher energies thanks to the supernova explosion. But you have said the elements like Iron can absorb neutrons, and through beta-negative decay turn into higher elements prior to the supernova? Would this also include transuranic elements?