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labroid t1_j11xcll wrote

Agreed. Body won't hit the bottom of the tank, but the acceleration on the body will be identical. Being submerged avoids impact concentrated pressure on contact points (as you'd get from being in a seat) but acceleration on the body as a whole is identical.


JonJackjon t1_j12j1yd wrote

What forces would stop the body from hitting the bottom of the tank?

If you held a penny midway in a glass of water, the released the penny, gravity ( a similar force) would cause the penny to drop to the bottom.


labroid t1_j13odyh wrote

I assumed the OC meant the person was floating in the water, so buoyant forces keep it at the top. When you accelerate, the person's weight increases, but the buoyant force increases exactly the same amount, so everything would stay where it was.

If it were a penny, then you are right - it would already be on the bottom and would stay there.