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PigeonMaster2000 t1_j17qbof wrote

Well yes of course, if you weigh 65kg and follow some main-gain program. It's possible to workout that way, but you will look like 90% of people who work out; normal. I'm talking of maximizing efficiency and strength here.


velonaut t1_j18ic3k wrote

No. No one following any kind of strength training program needs to consume carbs mid-workout, unless they have type I diabetes (and therefore have no glucagon response and so their liver doesn't pump out glucose like it would in anyone else).

If you want to maximize efficiency and strength, spend your gym time lifting, rather than wasting time gulping down pure honey. (Not to mention that if you carry the belief that you need carbohydrates mid-workout, it's going to adversely affect your performance on workout where you forget to bring them, since you've created a psychological dependency on them that will give you a nocebo effect any time you don't have them. Whereas anyone else would be fine without them.)