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CryptographerSmall45 t1_j3f8e64 wrote

No, they aren't "worse than nothing." They just got that reputation based on misinterpreted results of one study that got a lot of press ( That said, any kind of cloth face covering isn't really recommended anymore for the prevention of COVID-19. That was back when it was believed to be primarily spread through respiratory droplets. Once they determined it could be spread through aerosols (and indeed that the later more contagious variants are like primarily spread via aerosol transmission), the recommendation shifted away from cloth face covering of any kinds and to surgical and N95 masks.


Lokarin OP t1_j3fe1jr wrote

> The researchers set up a green laser beam in a dark room. A masked subject was then asked to speak so that the droplets from the speaker’s mouth showed up in the green beam.

Neat. My test method was to point-blank spray windex on one side and see if it's dry on the other
