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mfb- t1_j4posh4 wrote

The ratio of the two processes doesn't depend strongly on the energy. Here is a plot (from here), the upper red curve is fission, the lower green curve is capture and U-236 production. It's a logarithmic plot, so a constant offset between the curves means a constant ratio (of ~3).


tdgros t1_j4qbwij wrote

Are the shape of the curves (clean, a few spikes, lots of spikes, super clean from ~0.002MeV onward) related to some physical processes we know? is it just due to the scale of the plot?


mfb- t1_j4qiu6w wrote

The mess in the middle is the resonance region. If you look at zoomed in plots then you see the cross section spiking for individual resonances. Here are examples, see e.g. figure 2, that's for uranium-238 but the idea is the same for U-235.

The leftmost spikes look nicer because it's a log plot so the same energy difference gets more space in the plot.