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cklein0001 t1_j5ok4mp wrote

Think more "mars-scape, marscape?", as the core also gives us our magnetic field that protects our atmosphere from the solar winds. Once the core cools, the Earth's internal dynamo also slows, solar winds start buffeting our atmosphere out of Earth's gravitational field, and we start looking more like Mars.

Also scheduled to happen around the same geologic time as the Earth being swallowed / burned by the Sun.


paul_wi11iams t1_j5pdu1z wrote

> swallowed

The version I heard was the expanding sun loses mass leaving Earth beyond its grasp.

> swallowed / burned

So its changed again, having become uncertain.

and even that is ignoring options for stellar engineering (assuming our descendants even care)


cklein0001 t1_j5pep9v wrote

Yeah, several "what's gonna happen in unfathomable timescale" options to choose from.


Rule_32 t1_j5ut7dr wrote

>sun loses mass leaving Earth beyond its grasp

This is incorrect. The Suns expansion does not equate to mass loss. Cosmologically its mass will have not decreased that much (which is what will determine where Earths orbit is) but it'll be fusing helium into carbon which is a hotter more energetic process and so the outer layers of the star will get pushed out and the star expands. Earths orbit won't change much however the Suns radius will expand to near or fully envelop Earth.