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NewPartyDress t1_ja3m01h wrote

I've heard of the CAT in the Hat. But it's obvious to me your boi has much better taste in hats. 😍


Loukhi t1_ja3sn2k wrote

Awww it's BlueNo Mars


LadnavIV t1_ja4sy70 wrote

I can’t explain why, but your dog reminds me of Flea from the Red Hot Chilli Peppers


Zealousideal-Item618 t1_ja4y0jt wrote

My first pitbull was a picture poser too, and he was cute like your adorable baby.


EmotionalMycologist9 t1_ja52fhc wrote

He looks like he just got divorced and decided to take a cruise to babe watch.


willpb t1_ja5ghvk wrote

Now he's officially Sir Woofington, III. Great job😁😂


copperbeagle t1_ja5j1b7 wrote

( Mickey Mouse voice) Hat dog! Ha ha


contactrory t1_ja5zeg1 wrote

Looks like a private investigator. Does he know Saul Goodman?


_izzyiguess_ t1_ja62eqi wrote

He is no longer a good boy...

He is now a good 𝘴𝘪𝘳.


RT9635 t1_ja63unz wrote

Looks like his ready to do a cover of Lenord Coen's EVERBODY KNOWS>


car454 t1_ja6nt0x wrote

Can I rescue him?


YeetyFeetsy t1_ja7nfzb wrote

Im impressed at how chill the doggo is with wearing a hat. My doggo isn't as stylish and doesn't like clothes, especially not fancy hats like that.