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myispsucksreallybad t1_jac4mu1 wrote

Bad little dogs. Just the rottenest of rotten.


rectangular_ t1_jacmq2a wrote

Bro every pitbull isn’t bad. Other dogs also attack people


myispsucksreallybad t1_jacogzu wrote

You really think I’m calling them bad dogs? How dense are you?


rectangular_ t1_jactloj wrote

My bad bro, thanks to most people being very hateful here I don’t realize some comments are jokes


myispsucksreallybad t1_jacy27c wrote

I figured that, and unfortunately some people are evil so I know where you were coming from. I have a pit bull snuggled up next to me.


rectangular_ t1_jad3oxh wrote

Man pitbulls are one of the biggest teddy bears lol


[deleted] t1_jadj1df wrote

Staffies and pits. Beagles are pretty good too.