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pam298bd t1_jdd260k wrote

This picture is more satisfying than the entire final season of GOT.


Greenthund3r OP t1_jdddu8e wrote

Haven’t finished it yet, is it really as bad as everyone says it is?


Vanish_7 t1_jddhnqx wrote


I wish Pam was exaggerating, but no -- they're not.

Let's put it this way. I had roped dozens of my own friends into watching the show with me by Season 5's premiere. And had I known how it was all going to end, I wouldn't have ever said anything to those friends at all. It WAS the greatest show of our lifetimes, but the ending is extremely flat and unsatisfying.


hedonisticfishstick t1_jddves1 wrote

Seriously. It was a betrayal of the highest order. Cancellation would have been preferable, even. -.-


kelsobjammin t1_jdeczgp wrote

And the way they stuffed it all into the final episode was appalling. I would have rather been left on a cliff hanger and forced to read the book. I haven’t even finished the last book (I wasn’t much into the show) until I saw the final. I can’t even think about reading that type of ending slowly over hundreds of pages. Fuck that.


TonySu t1_jdfm3tk wrote

Now that is a powerful story, but is it as powerful as the story of Bran the Broken?


adherzog t1_jdfhimv wrote

I’ve seen the first two or three seasons. Maybe four. I’ve been thinking about going back and finishing it off.

Is there a point at which it takes a turn, and it’s worth watching up until that point?

Or, would you tell somebody who didn’t know anything about it to just skip it completely?


Vanish_7 t1_jdfjyrr wrote

The show is absolutely phenomenal through Season Six.

Season Seven starts to get a bit wobbly if you think about it too much, and then...Season 8 is just awful. Rushed, terrible, and completely unsatisfying. Fuck those showrunners.


notcaffeinefree t1_jdey3ex wrote

There's a reason that show went from a cultural phenomena, something that was talked about weekly, and consistently got some extremely high ratings, to a show that is almost never mentioned without saying how bad the last two seasons were and routinely used as an example of how far ratings can fall from near perfect to...that.


plzkysibegu t1_jdex8av wrote

As someone who wasn’t happy with how it chose to end the stories, I don’t think it was awful. It’s worth watching at the very least.