Submitted by SnakeLuvr1 t3_11xan0j in aww
SnakeLuvr1 OP t1_jd24que wrote
He's a wee bit above average male guinea pig weight 😂 and yes he's super handsome. He's a rescue boy♥️
petitehijabprincess t1_jd25493 wrote
What a cute lad <3
Xenu66 t1_jd259oo wrote
Over 1 kilo he's a Guinea HOG
SnakeLuvr1 OP t1_jd25ajf wrote
Thank you! :)
SnakeLuvr1 OP t1_jd25cqw wrote
He's HUGE. Like, holy cow. He needs to lose a bit of weight I think. I just rescued him. Extremely healthy though ♥️
Allalngthewatchtwer t1_jd28isk wrote
He’s handsome! My mom rescued a female Guinea pig, said she seems kinda big?! Yup gave birth to 3 cotton balls fairly soon after lol. Every morning they greeted us and I died from their tiny noises.
matej86 t1_jd2izum wrote
I used to have two pigs and one of them was an absolute chonker who got up to 1.5kg at his heaviest. The other barely got to 1kg.
CaptainShitHead1 t1_jd2jku3 wrote
Nah that means he's 1260 calories
teapots_at_ten_paces t1_jd2jx1v wrote
...he's heavier than I was when I was born.
My_bones_are_itchy t1_jd2o3y3 wrote
Yep, says it right there on the calorie weigher
SupATX13 t1_jd2obyc wrote
Omg I just love their lips. And the sounds they make ofc 😍 my childhood pet was big old male piggy who was my alarm clock daily by slamming his food dish against his cage.
ElizabethDangit t1_jd2p2di wrote
I’m glad you’re a fighter!
Manaze85 t1_jd2qk5a wrote
Weird, I have that exact same scale at home
[deleted] t1_jd2qqox wrote
timex488 t1_jd2rhyo wrote
He is very cute
fattymcfattzz t1_jd2sj05 wrote
OldGreyTroll t1_jd2u7jf wrote
So if 1 guinea = £1; you actually have 2 guineas and 10 shillings here.
TitusTorrentia t1_jd2uuvr wrote
He reminds me of a piggie we had when I worked at a big box pet store. He was constantly sick (don't remember what) but he was big and calico. I almost took him home but a vet at the attached clinic took him instead. The night I quit, I sat in the back room where the sick ones are kept and held him for a while. Sweetest baby!
cbelt3 t1_jd2xtkt wrote
He’s a big pig, yup yup.
red_question_mark t1_jd2zg5r wrote
jemki10 t1_jd2zzki wrote
One of my babies is named Winslow too :)
Sleeplesshelley t1_jd320gs wrote
Love me a chonky pig ♥️
hyperforms9988 t1_jd32d3k wrote
Human... did you know your scale is broken? This finely sculpted body is in tip top shape and does not weigh that much.
[deleted] t1_jd331lq wrote
IsLlamaBad t1_jd33bal wrote
That's a very proud 1.260 kg.
315retro t1_jd33jq5 wrote
Let Neptune strike ye dead, Winslow! HAAARK! Hark, Triton! Hark! Bellow! Bid our father, the Sea King, rise from the depths, full-foul in his fury, black waves teeming with salt-foam, to smother this young mouth with pungent slime, to choke ye, engorging your organs 'till ye turn blue and bloated with bilge and brine and can scream no more... only when, he, crowned in cockle shells with slithering tentacled tail and steaming beard, takes up his fell, be-finnèd arm – his coral-tined trident screeches banshee-like in the tempest and plunges right through yer gullet! BURSTING YE, a bulging bladder no more, but a blasted bloody film now – a nothing for the Harpies and the souls of dead sailors to peck and claw and feed upon, only to be lapped up and swallowed by the infinite waters of the Dread Emperor himself, forgotten to any man, to any time, forgotten to any god or devil, forgotten even to the sea... for any stuff or part of Winslow, even any scantling of your soul, is Winslow no more, but is now itself the sea!
Redheadedbos t1_jd342o1 wrote
I wish I wasn't allergic! They're so cute 😭
yatseg t1_jd3b8rt wrote
ailee43 t1_jd3cycz wrote
give us a video to get sense of scale
Natereater t1_jd3h5sj wrote
Guinea Pig Winslow is the most badass name ever.
Status-9417 t1_jd3oghs wrote
reenign3 t1_jd3tyex wrote
WHOA what an absolute unit. I thought my largest boar, mango, who weighs about two pounds, was a beast. But he would cower before Winslow! Much love!
Spinal2000 t1_jd3wvqq wrote
I have four handsome boys with 1.3 to 1.6 Kilogram.
Cavy-kimKits123 t1_jd3xmmt wrote
Very proud of himself too!
Semblance-of-sanity t1_jd3zfmf wrote
Goodness he's a hefty hog
pamonhas t1_jd46c8v wrote
Oh wow, my dog weighs 4 lbs. Your Guinea pig is over half her size!
filifijonka t1_jd4aw14 wrote
Soon a peruvian flute band might have to be called in to stop him.
SendPetPicsOrNudes t1_jd4bs6w wrote
My 7 year old Guinea pig weighs 4 pounds. He’s no obese or anything. According to his vet, he’s “perfectly chonky”
MemesForLife13 t1_jd4h333 wrote
1260 pounds is crazy.
SkelPatata t1_jd4lqt7 wrote
In Peru Thats a Good Meal
LunaAndromeda t1_jd4mn7y wrote
What a gorgeous boy peeg! He's a healthy little dude and looks so proud.
crispywig t1_jd4ozxd wrote
I just saw this photo of this guinea pig in another post but they said his name was Winston.
Fancy_Female t1_jd576n7 wrote
You've absolutely got to air fry him when you harvest. Lmk and I'll give you the recipe.
Unique-Avocado t1_jd58zyl wrote
Are you sure it's not just a wild ground hog?
VapidRapidRabbit t1_jd5f687 wrote
My toy poodle weighs 5 pounds. This is a big ass Guinea pig.
Souperplex t1_jd5ggjf wrote
It is easy to have the courage of a lion. Have the courage of a guinea pig.
omensandpotential t1_jd5p832 wrote
What a sweet little guy ❤️ guinea pigs are the best
Teddy_Doodle t1_jd5r1fu wrote
He’s adorable! I love the little feet!
aisutron t1_jd65cew wrote
I have the same scale. Cute guinea pig though.
maxwellgriffith t1_jd669u6 wrote
Is his full name Michael Winslow?
LawfoalEvil t1_jd6q0or wrote
That’s a big Guinea pig! I love him
asmoothbrain t1_jd8r74g wrote
Don’t even think about it pal
Angryoldfatman t1_jd24mub wrote
Cute potato.
Is that considered big?