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ufc205nyc t1_jb9lenj wrote

This the cutest Scottish fold ever!


schnuck OP t1_jb9lze0 wrote

You should see his brother (a tiny bit darker - he’s called Smokey) and his sisters (they are a bit lighter in colour) - it’s unreal.

I could cuddle them all day!


name1ess_human t1_jbbztox wrote

Why does it look like you’re holding him like a juice box-


Plantsnob1 t1_jb9n7g7 wrote

Hi Haggis. I can't wait to see your siblings.


schnuck OP t1_jb9q5ib wrote

I shall somehow soon grant your wish. These Scottish rascals are a bit difficult to handle… 😂

Edit: Here we go!

My little Haggis is top left.


Lawtina08 t1_jbetlvi wrote

They are so cute! Love the different shades of gray.


LastBaron t1_jba6om6 wrote

As the old saying goes…

“Over the lips,

Hope it don’t gag’us

Watch out stomach,

Here comes the haggis!”


Walter_Stonkite t1_jba9zri wrote

The look of resignation, accepting that he looks like a total Haggis.


Reckfulness t1_jbagw9c wrote

What a great name for the lil feller


Terriblyboard t1_jba8wu5 wrote

Was hopping this was going to be a sheep.


THE_GR8_MIKE t1_jbbrxcq wrote

Hey Willie, found a shortcut through your hedge maze.


amurrayj t1_jbc4hza wrote

That is a plush toy, not a cat.


ClnHogan17 t1_jbc5nao wrote

Are your daughters fans of Rescue Riders? (Which I highly recommend to any parents in need of a cartoon)


Boneal171 t1_jbc7jj8 wrote

That’s a great name


AzureDreamer t1_jbdesm7 wrote

Haggis liked his name before the zombie outbreak, but then there were just a few foo many emergency haggis jokes for his comfort.


hatesnoisybitches t1_jb9ujao wrote

Cute but please don’t support the breeding of Scottish folds. The lack of cartilage gives them very painful joint problems


schnuck OP t1_jb9xp9x wrote

I know and I understand. It’s illegal here now anyway.

But believe me they will get the best life, the best care, the best food and the most love.

And we already agreed that mum cat will not get pregnant ever again.


SkynetUser1 t1_jbbhmvz wrote

Yeah, I made the mistake of getting a Scottish Fold without fully understanding that even 1/4 SF will still have issues. I just make sure he gets lots of love and the right food for his condition.


Frankjc3rd t1_jbb707p wrote

I would have gone with Greycie.


Equivalent_Metal_534 t1_jbcrxtn wrote

Spot. Shoulda named him Spot.

Haggis is a cute name for a cute kitty.


Null-ARC t1_jba9ekq wrote

...because it is filled with various organs & also definitely unfit for human consumption?


[deleted] t1_jbab7a3 wrote

You could probably say the same for meat in general. Man just let people enjoy their haggis.