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thisaintyouravgstonk OP t1_jefhv9q wrote

Pretty great! They have reduced a lot of stress and anxiety just by lounging around the house tbh


hotmasalachai t1_jeftds4 wrote

Realllly?? They dont destroy furniture or plants??

I’m thinking of adopting either this or cat.


thisaintyouravgstonk OP t1_jeg5kjy wrote

So far no damage, they are new though so it's just a matter of time I think before they start attacking the plants in the garden.

>I’m thinking of adopting either this or cat.

It all comes down to personal preference as some cats I've known over the years have been pretty aggressive and have caused a lot of problems as well. On the other hand some of them were total sweethearts.

I've also encountered some bunnies before (from friends and family) and some of them were pretty chill and causing next to nothing damage.

Edit: changed redundant wording