Submitted by Kraagenskul t3_yibpy0 in aww
FleeingMyLife t1_iuhsnvf wrote
Two more years and she can quote Bilbo.
!remindme two years
Xavius_Night t1_iuiust9 wrote
If she's still around and interested, Smith Tower in Seattle, WA offers free admission for anyone older than the building - which is currently only 108 years old.
jjpenguins66 t1_iuhwpdf wrote
Now she's just showin' off. Amazing. :)
bigstumped t1_iuhuzqy wrote
Congrats to her, I wish her many more years to come
RadlogLutar t1_iui6d8w wrote
I am just wishing she breaks the Guiness book of records here
miasabine t1_iuhz7wi wrote
That’s incredible! I hope you get plenty more time with her :)
PhelesDragon t1_iui2f1p wrote
Does she have any advice?
Khymira t1_iui0lyf wrote
Blessed solar return! 🎂🎉
Red-Dog-52 t1_iuijl7c wrote
Well done Granny, hope there are plenty more.
raredzsux t1_iuipc8s wrote
hkohne t1_iuifz5f wrote
She looks great!
smthngwyrd t1_iuit2ko wrote
Many happy returns!!
Berniemac1 t1_iuiv1iw wrote
Literally makes my heart smile 🥰
spitefairy t1_iujascj wrote
She laps the sun every time! Take that, the Sun!
Joe4o2 t1_iujfsv2 wrote
Still hard to believe she’s an astronaut.
Intelligent_Owl_1151 t1_iujijxg wrote
You got this Grandma !💜💜💜
Electrical-Act-7170 t1_iujiu6l wrote
Happy Birthday, Grandmamá
Volaare12 t1_iujwjjn wrote
It looks like she has a bunch of loved ones around to celebrate with her. I hope continues to do so well after celebrations are done!
MrGrimmlock t1_iujwuv4 wrote
She can fucking fly!?
Hilarious_username9 t1_iujzw1g wrote
Here's to many more! Happy birthday 🙂
No-Contribution-1987 t1_iuk6tcc wrote
That’s good for her” 🥹🥹🥹
Hellofriendinternet t1_iui2blm wrote
We had to change a lady’s pacemaker out at work. She was 105 and walked in (slowly) under her own power. Her 85 y/o son was with her using a walker and she was like “this guy’s slowing me down.” It was funny.