Submitted by MickPawsome t3_ye2n3k in aww
MickPawsome OP t1_itviyka wrote
StephanieV1121 t1_itvji9q wrote
I love the expression on Micks face. Lol. My mood perusual right now. Gorgeous kitty.
MickPawsome OP t1_itvjoap wrote
He always has this expression! 😹 Thank you very much! 😺
StephanieV1121 t1_itvjsd3 wrote
Lol... same. 🥰🥰
Numerous-Boss3283 t1_itvk50u wrote
Those eyes!!😻
natelucidjunkie t1_itvk5ej wrote
MickPawsome OP t1_itvkha5 wrote
Ahahahaha, indeed 🤣🤣
MickPawsome OP t1_itvki7a wrote
Thank you! 😺
MickPawsome OP t1_itvkjnf wrote
Why, thank you 😁 🤗 🐾
Upstairs_Pumpkin_12 t1_itvl3se wrote
I think so too
Upstairs_Pumpkin_12 t1_itvl4f5 wrote
Oh i see
garyisaunicorn t1_itvl5qs wrote
The caption is a little different to how you present on F*cebook, lol
mAnth1sSucks t1_itvliyp wrote
Mick's eyes are so pretty!! And his expression is very relatable.
CommadorVic20 t1_itvlolc wrote
he has that F all you two legger's look on his face
amherewhatnow t1_itvlteh wrote
Ah yes, Mick the epitome of jubilation. Please give him a pat for me.
Important_Arrival56 t1_itvlvfa wrote
Same mate
Important_Arrival56 t1_itvlw0x wrote
right dude
CharmingEstate330 t1_itvm6gl wrote
I think so too
CharmingEstate330 t1_itvm71y wrote
Oh i see
wheresbill t1_itvo1i3 wrote
That cat is planning something
ivebenthrew t1_itvo9z8 wrote
He angy
Channel5exclusive t1_itvpfgs wrote
If you're happy and y- Uhh never mind.
HappyFuzzy t1_itvpx0v wrote
Such a cute lil face!
Natural_Ant_7348 t1_itvqp1l wrote
Those eyes and his scowl! 😍
lostonpolk t1_itvs94u wrote
> my little bundle of joy judgement, Mick!
badpandaunicorns t1_itvuru3 wrote
He looks disappointed in you
Seuix t1_itvv45k wrote
I love his striking amber eyes
Someday_wonderful t1_itvvvnf wrote
Those eyes are so dang bright Wow!!
generalkenobi751384 t1_itvwud7 wrote
What joy does he have left?
SnowNinja420 t1_itvy487 wrote
Beautiful eyes 💛💛🧡🧡
MickPawsome OP t1_itvy8e7 wrote
Thank you!
[deleted] t1_itvyc1h wrote
Candid_Return_8374 t1_itvyd3z wrote
That look sums up my whole day… please give Mick a pat for me.
MickPawsome OP t1_itvydvg wrote
Thank you! 😺
[deleted] t1_itvyice wrote
MickPawsome OP t1_itvyj74 wrote
He always looks like that 😅
MickPawsome OP t1_itvylnx wrote
True story 😹
MickPawsome OP t1_itvymq3 wrote
Thank you 😁 🤗
MickPawsome OP t1_itvynfl wrote
Thank you!
MickPawsome OP t1_itvyo96 wrote
MickPawsome OP t1_itvyp85 wrote
Always and forever 😁
MickPawsome OP t1_itvyq0n wrote
Always 😹
MickPawsome OP t1_itvyqyp wrote
Thank you! 😺
MickPawsome OP t1_itvyrp4 wrote
MickPawsome OP t1_itvytl9 wrote
Hahahah, of course! 😺
MickPawsome OP t1_itvyugf wrote
True story 😹
crackrabbit012 t1_itvyvpa wrote
Mick looks as if he has strong opinions about Mondays
MickPawsome OP t1_itvyvnb wrote
He always looks like that 😅
MickPawsome OP t1_itvywj9 wrote
Thank you! 😺
MickPawsome OP t1_itvyyoh wrote
I try to behave here 😹
MickPawsome OP t1_itvyzqi wrote
Thank you! 😺
nailgun198 t1_itvz6df wrote
Someone just told him he should smile more.
MickPawsome OP t1_itvza0e wrote
True story 😹
MickPawsome OP t1_itvzavj wrote
Hahahah, indeed 😺😹😹
[deleted] t1_itvzcf5 wrote
basitharmonik t1_itw0157 wrote
Mick is like, I hate each one of you.
Ghost7579ox t1_itw07zt wrote
The look of his face says it all “you’re adequate, now feed me”
MickPawsome OP t1_itw291o wrote
PassageQuiet9361 t1_itw2h38 wrote
Mick has great coloring and nice eyes!...although...I detect a judgemental attitude.
MickPawsome OP t1_itw2n8c wrote
Thank you! 😺
Key_Interview3226 t1_itw4dzi wrote
Mick is a fine healthy looking kitty😺! Prob bored as heck at home so he can't help it if he looks like that
Elderberry1923 t1_itw7fj7 wrote
This is the face of an overlord, looking out upon his kingdom. Freshly fed too I'm sure.
mildlyamused0 t1_itw8rw7 wrote
Mick appears to be less than amused by what he sees.
YeahDaleWOOO t1_itw93ax wrote
Mick hates mondays
IsleViolet t1_itw98jv wrote
annieapple456 t1_itw9o7f wrote
Such a gorgeous boy 😻
stringjetg6 t1_itw9qwh wrote
Mick “don’t play”… haha… love this guy
tealovingidiot t1_itwa25c wrote
He's plotting world domination. How dare you interrupt him to take a photo! That's a good looking boy.
darknekolux t1_itwa2ie wrote
Mick has perfected the resting bitch face
lotusflower64 t1_itwchke wrote
Mick is silently plotting your demise.
SerialVandal t1_itwkfvf wrote
I'll just assume he's named after Mick Taylor from Wolf Creek. They share the same demeanor.
Sax_2_accordion t1_itwlc8g wrote
Obviously, your introduction displeased him greatly. Mick appears to be calculating your punishment…….
WardenWolf t1_itwn3cj wrote
Those perfect Halloween eyes.
Enterprise-NCC1701-D t1_itwtcl2 wrote
More like im going to post this in every sub I can, so I can get that sweet karma.
tiredofthisshit1999 t1_itwvgp2 wrote
Mick will take care of any dog to protect you😼 I see it in his eyes.😻
ssx01 t1_itwvlk7 wrote
The Ron Swanson vibe
tblsocalgirl t1_itx042i wrote
Mick! We missed you!!
BurlHunterGeryl t1_itx2160 wrote
Beautiful meower!
danstewart42 t1_itx2ay4 wrote
darealJimTom t1_itx3z72 wrote
Ah someone else who shares my amusement of life
No-Disk-9359 t1_itx7cp2 wrote
7 7️⃣ and
dude19832 t1_itxeclq wrote
You are correct!
Bohus57 t1_itxhqqw wrote
OP needs to see that that’s amazing
AlarmingElk373 t1_itxif75 wrote
Mick talking to self: Every day I must practice my Halloween face
Aggressive-Fun-4170 t1_itxm0lv wrote
Mick looks like he wants crime
Averagepotato03 t1_itxu4hm wrote
You mispelled fury
Senior-Street7949 t1_itxwgrx wrote
Very handsome!
cats_have_dorito_ear t1_itybbwe wrote
Looks like a squishy baby
melly173KmqbWenLPg t1_ityei4z wrote
I am not grumpy!!!
[deleted] t1_ityfvbc wrote
CommadorVic20 t1_ityz4f9 wrote
are you happy little man? "i dont know ask me when YOU DIE but not before you FEED ME you two Legger!"
Forward-Coffee-1195 t1_itzakx0 wrote
Are his eyes really that orange?!!
Tricky-Trick1132 t1_itzed5v wrote
Gorgeous Boy!😻❤️
Repulsive-Baker281 t1_itzp0fh wrote
Lol “joy” is exactly how I’d describe that expression haha!
ella_petite t1_itvimx9 wrote