MyButtItches420 t1_iucw5ub wrote
PlayguePals t1_iucwo63 wrote
The perfect C^(at) cup <3
theguynobodyasks t1_iucxlaa wrote
he's just like me fr
ResidentEivvil t1_iucy23h wrote
Soo cute omg
top_of_the_stairs t1_iucypej wrote
This just made me think of the movie Weird Science for the first time in a longgg time lmao
ShevaunA OP t1_iucyvmg wrote
I assure you he is not
Few-Candy t1_iuczg1j wrote
or a C^(ute) Cup
neekehehe t1_iuczj1r wrote
i came here to comment this 😔
Jedimasteryony t1_iud0gm7 wrote
This cat is my spirit animal
TheCircusisfalling t1_iud1h9y wrote
Obi-Wan Catobi is that you? Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time. A long time...
LahamaDutta006 t1_iud1zjw wrote
Those eyes... <3
NicoleChance6 t1_iud2ilp wrote
This is why I don’t wear any bras. He stole them all
Vergenbuurg t1_iud763i wrote
"It's ceremonial."
word_to_chicken_legs t1_iud9oc4 wrote
He’s just addicted to the tiddy residue
slendermanismydad t1_iudbkpt wrote
Cats have expensive taste.
NfamousKaye t1_iudbnyn wrote
No no…it’s not a bra….it’s a hat! Lol
OfficerSlard t1_iudc1av wrote
haha, dont we all
safwanchowdhury t1_iudc6kq wrote
Me too
Lowkeyloveyou t1_iudd6t5 wrote
look at him and his little hat
He is the cutest kitty ever
thejamielee t1_iuddfcj wrote
we shall only list cup sizes in chunky fluff bbys now.
POKECHU020 t1_iuddi6l wrote
Oh hey me too what a coincidence
Little-Drawer-8304 t1_iuddt2v wrote
I wish I was him😣😫
thisplacemakesmeangr t1_iudfpmc wrote
Right? Being a cross dresser does not necessarily make you drama-free
[deleted] t1_iudikjs wrote
cfdeveloper t1_iudmlus wrote
they do, it's called a hammock
MAXQDee-314 t1_iudpixb wrote
If I fit, I sit.
Cats7204 t1_iudq7wj wrote
hell nah or fr fr moment?
Cats7204 t1_iudqfig wrote
r/hornyjail pajero
edit: The comment was him asking to see the "breasts under those bras"
babygirlruth t1_iudqjd8 wrote
My mom's cat goes crazy when she's around a dirty bra, she plays with it and rolls over. Has something to do with the sweat smell, probably?
NeoCommunist_ t1_iudqw1o wrote
Hammock bra…. So giants do exist ?
babygirlruth t1_iudqwaa wrote
What in the creepy hell?
ivebenthrew t1_iudr0tc wrote
kwisatzhabanero t1_iudr8en wrote
SenorDangerwank t1_iudrd5o wrote
unsupported t1_iudu9iw wrote
Only^cat Fans?
HokeyReligions t1_iudvc4h wrote
Itty bitty kitty committee.
Additional-Mirror537 t1_iudvqox wrote
Quite a nice hat.
IStalkReddit123 t1_iudw7fe wrote
C^(ute) C^(at) cup.
Posting this image will result in a copyright strike.
FraterSofus t1_iudxrga wrote
No, you misunderstood. They are for titties.
ZarosGuardian t1_iue4lyj wrote
Show me your kitties
DogtorCarri t1_iue6msy wrote
What breed is he? So stinkin cute!
Susposterdec t1_iue7jvo wrote
Don’t we all
copperwatt t1_iue8a40 wrote
paper_paws t1_iue9jxd wrote
If they are worn bras, he probably enjoys your scent on them.
AverageZhoe t1_iuecq2q wrote
i also love to play with bras
tangled_up_in_glue t1_iuef9qe wrote
Hahaha so cute!!! His little hat!!
Dolphina_52 t1_iuefe1h wrote
There not bras there hats 😁😁
demunicorntiddies t1_iuegxno wrote
Omg my cat is OBSESSED with my bras, lol. I don’t know why but on laundry day he’ll run through the goddamn house with them lol.
sticksnstone t1_iuejd5a wrote
Kitty in a clam shell.
freshlypeeledsheeps t1_iuejl2r wrote
Sometimes, Frank likes to feel pretty.
markydsade t1_iuenkuu wrote
I’ve heard of teacup dogs but never C-cup cats.
tsunamichaser t1_iuepc2j wrote
Does he run across the room and dive into the bra so that he slides? It's my cat's favorite thing to do
IronicBunny t1_iueqi9a wrote
My daughter had a car who loved to chew through bra straps. He learned to open drawers and he hid them. So cute.
Erikkamirs t1_iuerfca wrote
potato_man22 t1_iuesbq6 wrote
So do I. Im not sorry, sorry
Ok_Excitement5304 t1_iueuqf4 wrote
So cute ☺️
supra_tampa t1_iuev9z9 wrote
Cats knows what’s up lol
Korblox101 t1_iuewrto wrote
Who doesn’t?
AbazabaYouMyOnlyFren t1_iueycla wrote
Me too kitty, me too...
FRANKnCHARLIE_4ever t1_iuez9s0 wrote
Its the sweat smell. My cat looves my gfs bras
No-Information-1133 t1_iuf2gbm wrote
No matter the size, I too find a way to play in bras when I can. If I was as cute as this little guy I’d probably get to play in one every day!
meowcatraz t1_iuf42pu wrote
You mean *hats
tekgeekster t1_iuf4d8x wrote
Oh, so you can use gifs on Reddit.
NeuroticDutchGirl t1_iufazfa wrote
Pretty! What breed is he?
ShevaunA OP t1_iuffb5x wrote
British Short Hair/Scottish Straight
ShevaunA OP t1_iufffsk wrote
British Short Hair/Scottish Straight
[deleted] t1_iufgcc0 wrote
Om3ga12172 t1_iufl0ga wrote
Oh so when a cat does it he's cute, but when I do it I'm a creep?
bibliophila t1_iufl7nx wrote
My cat chews on the straps
Evangelion217 t1_iuflh4k wrote
ThrowDaThrowawayAwae t1_iufmqyq wrote
He just like me
minimoundsbars t1_iufr8fc wrote
Congrats on the sex!
bloopledebleep1 t1_iufsnqc wrote
A bra, cat, a bra.
GustaveTheSteel t1_iufufyn wrote
Khajit has wares if you have coin.
Top-Geologist-9213 t1_iug06h0 wrote
What a handsome boy with great big beautiful eyes! He does look cozy inside that bra :-)
Lattethecoffeaddict t1_iug14qe wrote
A true man
potatospaz t1_iug7w5q wrote
makes me remember that one vine!
"can i pet ur kitties?"
Van0nyumas t1_iugc1j3 wrote
Me too, little cat, me too
Same-Salamander8690 t1_iugdoul wrote
Me too lil dude. Me too
IWantToBeSimplyMe t1_iugf3qa wrote
don’t we all…
Takendabacon t1_iughhmw wrote
*sniffing intensify's*
TheNightTurtle t1_iugpjvo wrote
me too little guy, me too.
smthngwyrd t1_iuiw67k wrote
Happy cake day
POKECHU020 t1_iuj8il7 wrote
Thank you!
Wakanuki8 t1_iucu45n wrote
Who doesn’t 😉