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Jeff_From_IT t1_iycm5vi wrote

But how could you deny such a sweet boi stone good, good head pats?? Maybe gloves or something?


SeekyBoi t1_iycmen1 wrote

It would be best not to touch it in general unless it’s absolutely necessary (if it needs to go to the vet for a health issue) as to not damage it’s coat


imapie31 t1_iycs7xb wrote

Is there any safe way to touch one or is it always a risk?


Robdd123 t1_iyecsx3 wrote

If your hands are clean (free of perfumes and chemicals) and wet it's no big deal honestly; the slime coat isn't that delicate.

In fact it's actually preferable to transport fish and other aquatic creatures by hand rather than using a net. For smaller fish the net has to be used but bigger fish and axolotls can be picked up.


SeekyBoi t1_iycs9mx wrote

There’s always a risk


imapie31 t1_iycsc9j wrote

Shit, science needs to go further


SeekyBoi t1_iycse89 wrote

Agreed, but in the meantime the risk isn’t worth it


imapie31 t1_iycsi48 wrote

Yeah, itd suck to see one of these little guys with an infection.