Submitted by aperson7780 t3_ztzg9r in aww
aperson7780 OP t1_j1g8fi1 wrote
Yes, they will be best buds for life!
orochimaru88 t1_j1gdohr wrote
Aww both gorgeous 🥰
aperson7780 OP t1_j1gdy4l wrote
Thank you
blackaubreyplaza t1_j1geqrm wrote
Everyone looks great
aperson7780 OP t1_j1gf0qp wrote
Thank you!
Urmotherisamother t1_j1ggzi6 wrote
aperson7780 OP t1_j1ghc3h wrote
With the coloring, he does blend in.
_ItsAllenNotAlan t1_j1gqmnm wrote
Big brothers are the best
merrittj3 t1_j1g8d3i wrote
...the beginning of a beautiful friendship.