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littlegingerfae t1_j67exha wrote

I used to have a cat that would lick me ONLY in my sleep. Since I have a sleeping disorder, this wouldn't wake me, and he'd just keep licking.

I'd wake up with blood spots staining the sheets where he had licked me too long.

My theory was, he was very very slowly trying to eat me.


DragonAteMyHomework t1_j67rstg wrote

I have a cat who loves to lick me when I'm asleep, but it wakes me up, especially on the rare occasion when she goes for my eyelid. She has mostly learned not to do that, though. It hurts!


mochikitsune t1_j683bz9 wrote

Are.. are you me? Thankfully mine doesnt do it to the point of blood spots but I can def feel the sorness.