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physicallyatherapist OP t1_j8s17h7 wrote

Exactly. I feel like if more public transportation was actually offered in the area then it would also be shot down

When I emailed Odette about this she replied "I just wish these developers would come to my Black communities to build". It's like.. it's not mutually exclusive. You can build in both areas and both SHOULD be built


maryellentokar t1_j8s307p wrote

I guess I just have to disagree with the first statement that if public transpo was offered it would be shot down. And comparing the two options -- an affordable and reliable transit system -- with a massive luxury apartment complex in a cramped neighborhood -- aren't super comparable for many reasons.

As for the email from Odette, no real comment on that -- not sure where she is referring to so can't really make any educated opinions on that


physicallyatherapist OP t1_j8t2s4i wrote

NIMBYs, which the areas is full of, wouldn't want either. They think pubic transportation will bring crime or "those people" to the area. It's also a tell when they say they are celebrating not having anything there rather than saying.. you know what, it's too big and only luxury, if you do 80 apartments with 30-40 affordable then sure let's do it. But no. They want nothing except an empty crappy building so they don't have to worry about their precious parking.

"I have to tell you, I’m really mad about this,” she told The Banner. “Hampden is oversaturated with development. People are trying to add as many units as possible in a tiny area. Why are developers only looking to develop in white neighborhoods? Why aren’t developers looking to develop in our Black neighborhoods?"

She says the same garbage when she was interviewed back in December..

It's not oversaturated. People want to live here and we should provide housing for them. They should be building housing everywhere in all areas.