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mike14e t1_j8y3wwh wrote

You want to look their prices up online and then I’d suggest selling through Ebay or FB marketplace.

Here is a site to give you a price baseline:

Good luck, you’ll probably make some decent cash if they aren’t all sports games


Frofro69 OP t1_j8y4leo wrote

I don't have sports games lol. It's mostly stuff like Zone of the Enders, Call of Duty, Halo, etc


Fellatination t1_j8y6z5i wrote

Don't let them fool you. Some special editions of sports games can bring big money. NCAA Football 14 is one of them.


crystalli0 t1_j8zh7mq wrote

The only reason we still have our Xbox 360 is so my partner can play NCAA Football 14 every now and then