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needleinacamelseye t1_j9u2147 wrote

I strongly agree with previous posters that you should consider renting at least for the first year. Take the time to get to know the city - there are hundreds of neighborhoods here, all with their various pros and cons. You might find in a year's time that you like a place you'd never have considered now.

If you can afford a $200k-225k house, you can probably comfortably afford $1500/month in rent - this is enough to get you a 1BR in most nice neighborhoods. Transit can be tough in the city, so it never hurts to live near where you work or at least within a one-seat bus ride. Walkable + safe + close to MARC immediately makes me think of Mount Vernon, Otterbein, or Ridgely's Delight, but if you don't drive I would take a serious look at where you'll be commuting to and work backwards from there.