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DfcukinLite t1_j9vzzcw wrote

You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. Let me guess you’re extremely white and grew up in the suburbs? So let me teach you.

Baltimore does definitely have corner stores/bodegas. They are the same thing. Our corner stores/bodega are small business by immigrants. Not 7/11 which are nothing of the same (sounds racial)


moderndukes t1_j9waizd wrote

Did you literally just rage-delete all of your very downvoted responses to me to copy-paste and reply them again so the karma would reset? Wow. That’s just kinda sad.


DfcukinLite t1_j9wld1j wrote

Yup because I’m not wrong 🙃


moderndukes t1_j9wuo9r wrote

Deleting comments because everybody in the city subreddit disagreed with you just to preserve Internet points and to make it seem like you weren’t so horribly wrong (especially when the thread can still be accessed otherwise…) is possibly the saddest and most narcissistic things I’ve seen on here. And per reveddit this seems to be your MO, along with insults and ad hominem attacks.