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pittsmasterplan t1_j8dan6x wrote

Large volume of unsuspecting people who move here from places without crime.


lightofthehalfmoon t1_j8e37q4 wrote

Towson has also really become a small city. I grew up in Towson and went to high-school and university there. It was a sleepy little town. It has continuously grown over the last three decades. TU really needs to step up its policing of the area. You can't make Towson a destination and keep adding students and "luxury" housing and keep acting like nothing criminal/violent is going to happen.


DfcukinLite t1_j8e9fot wrote

Absolutely this. TU and Towson town proper have both increased considerably over the last 20 years. It’s getting more dense. It’s like Baltimore’s “Bethesda” if it had a flagship regional university. It’s gotten more urban and walkable and they added that circular system recently.


trulythehardseltzer t1_j8f1d9s wrote

policing and cops don't reduce crime — they only show up after the crimes have happened