EfficiencySuch6361 t1_ja2pk8b wrote
Pretty much every company ever just makes u provide the same info verbally whenever a live rep connects - stop choosing to waste ur time on the pointless robot part
JustACharacterr t1_ja34ii4 wrote
Idk if you’ve tried reaching Comcast support recently but they actively try to not have you speak to a human. I think I had to look up their support phone number when I needed it last year because it’s not listed anywhere in the apps or on the help page, and that still tried to trap me in robo-menus. It’s less that OP chose to waste his time and more Comcast made him.
EfficiencySuch6361 t1_ja3r3vz wrote
Mashing 0 and only saying representative is the solution
okdiluted t1_ja3xyq8 wrote
a lot of phone trees will hang up on you now if you do this too much. it's beyond infuriating.
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