Submitted by BmoreCityDOT t3_11gjtay in baltimore
To all Attendees, Civic Organizations, Elected Officials, and Private Residents who attended last night’s 28th Street Multimodal Connection Concepts Public Meeting.
We Apologize.
We understand that the time you take out of your day to attend a public meeting is time away from your friends, family, and professional obligations and that time is sacred. We want to sincerely apologize to the participants for the level of service they received and those who did not receive an adequate response to their questions and concerns.
At the BCDOT, we have traffic engineers and policy professionals, and the line between technical and too technical is often blurred. The goal is and should always be clarity and comprehension. Without that, it is very much a one-sided conversation. This was an opportunity to show the people who care most about this project, the progress the agency has made, however, we regret we did not rise to that occasion. We need to build trust, and can’t do that without complete transparency, especially when we screw up.
So, What Happened?
Many People Were Not Heard!
* We had many technical difficulties and the meeting was cut short. This resulted understandably in many people feeling confused, frustrated, and upset. While technical difficulties happen, we could have communicated about the issues on the call and managed them better.
* We are reviewing our public meeting settings, staffing, and software options to avoid this moving forward. You deserve a more streamlined experience and we will make it happen.
* There were pressing questions about meeting grant deadlines and the opportunity for specific people to speak.
* We are meeting these questions head-on
* We are dedicating multiple staff to addressing comments, questions, and concerns that were raised during the public meeting itself or will be submitted in the form below for the official open comment period. These questions will receive the diligence and respect they deserve.
On the Public Comment Period:
* Residents wanted to know why the comment period would start next week instead of immediately. We heard your feedback and corrected this. All comments on the preferred option can be submitted HERE.
* The Presentation is available with the traffic-related options and we have engineers on stand-by to answer questions if you need clarification before submitting a preferred option, you can contact them here:
The goal was to present all traffic options clearly, troubleshoot live questions about those options, and answer outstanding concerns. An iterative deliberative process is the only way to ensure the options are representative of the diversity of the people and organizations who have been partners in this process.
We are sorry we haven’t been a better partner and understand the urgency of the moment. Thank you for showing up, and speaking up. Updates on the meeting and the project status can be found on this page.
bmore t1_jap65e7 wrote
>We want to sincerely apologize to the participants for the level of service
Kidding aside it's good to see this owned up to. I hope the department makes this right by delivering a project consistent with the community's grant so the money isn't lost, as it sounds like that's at risk.