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Affectionate_Sky658 t1_jeejqce wrote

Money ruined baseball — the broadcast networks air very few games — one must subscribe to a different platform for every other game -/ or pay premium dollars to see teams you don’t want — it’s bullshit and drives fans away


WarmSquare8969 OP t1_jeesio2 wrote

Yea i read that they are losing fans cause baseball fans are older people and they are dying. Now they make it hard to catch a casual game. How you gonna make fans like that? Its all messed up. I catch raven’s games on the antenna. Why not Orioles?


DONNIENARC0 t1_jefaymi wrote

I think this is more of a MASN is dogshit thing than a general baseball thing, but I could be wrong.


MFoy t1_jeffqe2 wrote

It’s a sports thing in general. Each league is on a different streaming service, and then you have to pay astronomical cable bills as well.

The difference between now and thirty years ago is that every game is televised. That wasn’t true back in the day. You’d get most of them on HTS, but there’d always be a dozen or so that weren’t.


gaytee t1_jeg04mk wrote

Honestly the majority of millennials I’ve known in most cities are casual baseball fans at best, who enjoy an afternoon beer in the upper reserves. Almost all of the millennials I know that are actual baseball fans, do it because of their family traditions, but I do see them carrying it on in the current generation, but I still worry about access to the games on a regular basis it’s hard to be engaged.


DarkNFullOTerrors t1_jeel7ue wrote

See my other comment on Directtv stream. I agree it’s such bullshit, but this was a great solution last year and I never missed a game that I wanted to watch.


papajim22 t1_jeep6gz wrote

Baseball and money go hand in hand. From maybe the second baseball game ever played in 1800-whatever, baseball has always been about money. Everything about the game has been commodified and monetized for decades, on down to the peewee level. I agree that it sucks, but MLB exists to make money for billionaires.