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Lopsided-Phase722 t1_jbcr1hw wrote

Hi! I’m familiar with both cities and I live in Baltimore. I love Boston but it’s so expensive that many people can’t afford to live there. I think Boston is otherwise the better city but I’m happy in Baltimore. I’m also a small woman and I’ve never been the victim of a crime here. I think more people would move here if they knew what Baltimore offers.

Baltimore pros: affordable, quirky (go to Hampden), something for everyone, cool museums, great food scene for the size of the city, and I think people are friendlier here than in MA - very welcoming and open-minded.

Baltimore cons: the summer humidity sucks, city leadership is bad, history of racial segregation that is still very present, you hear a lot about crime even if you’re not affected, and we have limited and unreliable public transportation. You’ll prob need a car